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a better world?

Friday, April 17, 2020

Fwd: From Hon. Justin O Nymus -Judge, Ret.

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Begin forwarded message:

From: jim Larson <jimpcs@icloud.com>
Date: April 17, 2020 at 11:29:07 PM PDT
To: jim e larson <neocxn@gmail.com>
Subject: Re:  From Hon. Justin O Nymus -Judge, Ret.

Ya! Boycott the WHO (the biggest distributor of 
Those cursed vax zucar Kubes!
---   ---   ---

No seriously folks!

Why is it that the Chinese had 3 deaths/million population but 
US; 200 deaths/million & 
400 dead/million population -
Think about it -
It is Not just because they probably have an ongoing TB or OPV vaccination program - although that data may have pointed them in the right direction- the ANSWER is that They already know! Their numbers can't lie THAT much

India sells the OPV Drops OTC & in Bulk! 
Really! I checked!

Tons o' otc & opv - pallets even -  now before the Russian Trolls figure out why their handlers are so anti-Gates & beat the Chinese to it - although they have already figured it out - but they make their own cubes o' crystal myth

Why is it the US media isn't running with this? Big Media is in bed with Big Pharma- no $ in sugar cubes!

Amanpour/bbc (but not anyone else!)
NYTimes Did an article about TBvax Only! Why not OPV?? &
Trump now anti WTO - it all fits along with the other facts like Yoùnger childhood vaccinated population not as susceptible to Covid9 illnesses (no teens involved)

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 17, 2020, at 10:59 PM, jim e larson <neocxn@gmail.com> wrote:

This just in: FROM Hon.
Justin O. Nymus - judge Ret.HEADLINE :Bill Gates joins Anti Vaxer's! -
Story follows:
'Gates Found Refusing to Cooperate with an Experimental Non Blinded Study  Of OPV (one time sugar cube Polio app) -
 on Volunteer undocumented US agri-farm  workers' (who've probably never had a vaccination in their lives!) So 
Don't support Microsoft!
(Unless you're overly Principled)



Personal plea

This just in: FROM Hon.
Justin O. Nymus - judge Ret.HEADLINE :Bill Gates joins Anti Vaxer's! -
Story follows:
'Gates Found Refusing to Cooperate with an Experimental Non Blinded Study Of OPV (one time sugar cube Polio app) -
on Volunteer undocumented US agri-farm workers' (who've probably never had a vaccination in their lives!) So Support the Big Apple!

PS Probably Could get a whole lot of rest home volunteers too
(Soon to be death bed abattoirs?)-
SO as our Fearful Leader said! What've They got to lose?

I'm thinking that maybe if a billionaire imported a few PPP (H1-b or whoever) and then say HAY!
We Now Have a Public Health Emergency!
And now we have A pretext to Act immediately! ...NOW!
PPP(Polio Positive Pakistanis)!
(No offense meant to paks anywhere, so no cranks please!)....

Proven safety record of the vaccine far and above chloroquine
For like 100 years

My dad had polio as a child and was cured by Jesus! not by any vaccine, so he became a missionary for 10 years in a far away land where I was born...
But he died a few weeks ago at 95 sharp as a tack and smarter than me!
Did covfefe9 get him?
Who knows?
All I know is no one else Needs to Die!

So please Act, Right Away!
Sugar cubes for every one!
Or to volunteer health care workers & front line responders, The should be first anyway!

Proven safety record of the vaccine far and above chloroquine
For like a 100 years - safer than Clorox queens & snake oil

Ya! Boycott the WHO (the biggest distributor of
Those cursed vax zucar Kubes!
--- --- ---

No seriously folks!

Why is it that the Chinese had 3 deaths/million population but
US; 200 deaths/million &
400 dead/million population -
Think about it -
It is Not just because they probably have an ongoing TB or OPV vaccination program - although that data may have pointed them in the right direction- the ANSWER is that They already know! Their numbers can't lie THAT much

India sells the OPV Drops OTC & in Bulk!
Really! I checked!

Tons o' otc & opv - pallets even - now before the Russian Trolls figure out why their handlers are so anti-Gates & beat the Chinese to it - although they have already figured it out - but they make their own cubes o' crystal myth

Why is it the US media isn't running with this? Big Media is in bed with Big Pharma- no $ in sugar cubes!

Amanpour/bbc (but not anyone else!)
NYTimes Did an article about TBvax Only! Why not OPV?? &
Trump now anti WTO - it all fits along with the other facts like Yoùnger childhood vaccinated population not as susceptible to Covid9 illnesses (no teens involved)

Before the lockdown, I read about a human trial study in Portland currently where they are using CRISPR (virus like payloads or maybe Virion package) technology to cure blindness by putting drops in the eyes of patients ...

I'm wondering if there's any possibility that a genetically altered cornea could interact with covid19 & possibly mutate the virus

On the bright side of the spectrum-
What if the virus began to cure blindness everywhere?

I wonder if it is possible for covid19 to infect the factory farm animals food supply chain since I heard about how dogs and cats, even tigers possibly contracting the virus

On the far side maybe all the farm animals will have second sight

Trump certainly not a Bellwether
But we could sure use some foresight with national leadership

This just in: FROM Hon.
Justin O. Nymus - judge Ret.HEADLINE :Bill Gates joins Anti Vaxer's! -
Story follows:
'Gates Found Refusing to Cooperate with an Experimental Non Blinded Study Of OPV (one time sugar cube Polio app) -
on Volunteer undocumented US agri-farm workers' (who've probably never had a vaccination in their lives!) So
Don't support Microsoft!
(Unless you're overly Principled)


There maybe a simple way to protect the people!
Polio vaccines are a temporary protection against RNA virus infection
That includes flu and Covid