Far Side of Covid9 Season
I read about a human trial study with Portland blind subjects currently where they are using CRISPR cas-19 Virion technology (virus like payload packages) to cure blindness by putting drops in one eye at a time (in case something goes wrong for patient) - very brave trials...
I'm wondering if there's any possibility that a genetically altered cornea could interact with covid19 & possibly mutate the virus, since I heard a symptom is pinkeye...
On the bright side of the spectrum-
What if a mutating virus begins to cure blindness everywhere?...
I wonder if it is possible for covid19 to infect the factory farm animals food supply chain!
Because I heard about how dogs and cats, even tigers contracting this virus- as multiple zoo animals showed symptoms at Bronx Zoo...
On the far side maybe all the farm animals will develop second sight...
Trump is certainly not a Bellwether!
But we could definitely use Real foresight with national leadership
Warren or Adams for Biden VP